Sailing to Greenland - a trip to paradise

Sailing in Greenland with Fototeva

A special phototeva cruise in the best season

1.9.2024 - 11.9.2024 | Guided by Eduardo Feldman Cost $10,495 per participant for a classic room

Between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, lies the largest island in the world. A real paradise for lovers of northern landscapes: glaciers, northern lights in the sky, huge ice shelves, green fields, huge cliffs and animals such as: whales, bears and nymphs, who call this place home. Sailing in Greenland includes close instruction from Fototeva - so that you return with the best photos and experiences.

Indulgent ship

The Sea Spirit ship – A ship with spacious rooms and high level facilities

The most guided

Instruction in Hebrew from the Phototeva Mitzvot
Walking tours, photography workshops, lectures and full of content during the cruise

Special route

A route specially built for photography and nature lovers

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Why with a private ship?

This is not a cruise with hundreds of participants, because our boat is limited to 114 participants only! A smaller number of participants means longer time with the animals, closeness and opportunity for the best photos.

A smaller number of participants means longer time with the animals, closeness and opportunity for the best photos.


Day 1 (September 1): Arrival in Reykjavik, Iceland (overnight at the hotel)
Welcome to Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland and the starting point of our arctic journey! The journey from Keflavik International Airport to the city center takes about 45 minutes by airport shuttle or taxi. After check-in at your hotel, which will already be arranged by us and included in the price of the program, you will be free to explore this city, which is a very pleasant place. In order to get a great view of Iceland’s history and culture, we recommend starting at the excellent National Museum and House of Culture. For those interested in natural history, we recommend the Whale Museum of Iceland, which contains full-size models of the 23 species of whales found around Iceland. For the evening, Reykjavik offers countless options for an authentic Icelandic meal

Day 2 (September 2): Welcome aboard!
After breakfast at the hotel, there is one last time left for wandering around the city and shopping because at noon, we drive to the port and board our magnificent ship, the M/V Sea Spirit. Relax in a spacious suite and tour the deck that will be your home during the upcoming adventure. After our departure, a rich and full content series will begin with lectures and full of content. When we go to sea, we might even be able to watch whales.

Day 3 (September 3): Crossing the Denmark Strait
As we sail north through the Denmark Strait to East Greenland, we can expect to see large satellites and many seabirds near the rocky mountains of Greenland’s continental slope. After dark, we have the first of many opportunities to see the northern lights in the sky.

Days 4-8 (September 4-8): Scoresby Sound, East Greenland
The program for this part of our journey focuses on the spectacular fjords, beaches and islands of Scoresby Sound, also known as Kangertiback in Greenlandic. This area contains some of the most spectacular scenery in the world and an excellent glimpse of Greenland’s wildlife. As with any real trip to AzuriWild, our exact plan and route will be affected and determined by the weather and ice.. Scoresby Sound is one of the longest and most spectacular fjord systems in the world. Almost devoid of inhabitants, it is also one of the most pristine natural environments on Earth.  The forces of nature have shaped a magnificent landscape that is second to none. Deep fjords and narrow passages sculpted by rock walls up to 2000 meters high. glaciers Giants—that were torn from huge mountains and shaped on By wind and water into spectacular shapes – a journey through Scoresby Sound sets a new standard for the term “landscapes”. This wide arctic landscape is a paradise for hikers who admire frozen landscapes of spectacular tundra. Animal lovers will be happy to discover that a variety of animals call this area home, including: musk sheep, polar bears, foxes, whales and countless birds.

Day 9 (September 9): Return to Iceland After our amazing time in Skorsby Sound, we head back through the Denmark Strait to Iceland. Professional lectures and workshops will be delivered by our team of experts, as well as a variety of activities on board.

Day 10 (September 10): Westfjords, Iceland
The last day of our journey is dedicated to the beautiful region of Westfjords in Iceland. This remote area features huge waterfalls and spectacular mountains and only 10% of Iceland’s visitors enter this remote area. Here, in the deep fjords, we can watch whales and a huge variety of birds

Day 11 (September 11): Disembark in Reykjavik, Iceland
After a final breakfast on board, we drop back to Brekjavik port. We provide transfers to Keflavik International Airport or the city center if you plan to extend your stay in Iceland.

Dramatic view in a small inlet in Northwest Fjord in the far reaches of Scoresbysund in eastern Greenland.

על המדריך שלנו - רועי גליץ

זה יותר מעשור שרועי נחשב כאחד מצלמי הטבע ומובילי מסעות הצילום הטובים בעולם. צילומיו התפרסמו בין השאר בנשיונל גיאוגרפיק, בי.בי.סי, ניקון פרו ועוד. משמש כשגריר של ארגון גרינפיס לקוטב, ונחשב מרצה בינלאומי מבוקש בנושא טבע שימור סביבה. מייסד כנס הצילום של ישראל ובעלים של בית הספר לצילום הגדול בישראל – גליץ. בשנת 2022, נבחר לכהן כשגריר ניקון אירופה.


פרטי החדרים ועלויות

סוג תא שירותים ומקלחת מה בחדר? עלות למשתתף
חדר לשלישייה משותפים מיטת קומותיים ומיטת יחיד, שולחן כתיבה, ארון בגדים ומגירות. כיור בתא, חלון צוהר. 8715$
חדר זוגי משותפים 2 מיטות יחיד וספה. שולחן כתיבה, ארון בגדים ומגירות, כיור בתא, מייבש שיער, חלון צוהר. 9945$
חדר זוגי פרטיים מיטות יחיד (לא קומותיים) שולחן כתיבה, ארון בגדים ומגירות, שירותים ומקלחת פרטיים עם מייבש שיער. 11995$
סוויטה פרטיים מיטה זוגית ואיזור ישיבה מרווח בתא, שולחן כתיבה, ארון בגדים ומגירות, שירותים ומקלחת פרטיים. חלון גדול 14209$
סוויטת הקפטן פרטיים התא הכי גדול ומרווח, איזור שינה עם מיטה זוגית וסלון ישיבה, שולחן כתיבה, ארון בגדים ומגירות, שירותים ומקלחת פרטיים. חלון גדול. יש רק תא אחד כזה 16209$
תא יחיד פרמיום פרטיים מיטת קומותיים (לשימוש יחיד), שולחן כתיבה, ספה, מלתחה ומגירות, שירותים ומקלחת פרטיים ומייבש שיער. 18995$

The price includes

Full board

Three meals a day with full board on the ship with a private chef


A cruise on the Sea Spirit ship


Zodiac boat cruises to go down to the beaches, beach tours, animal watching, nature walks

Approvals and charges

All approvals and taxes for the cruise and the visits in the program

Preparation and summary meeting

Comprehensive preparation and closing sessions on Zoom


Geographical guidance and photography guidance + a rich team of local guides who are experts in the area

International flights – we will be happy to help you close

Ground arrangements before and after the voyage

Alcoholic and carbonated drinks

Personal expenses – Internet, laundry, souvenirs, etc

Insurance of any kind

Tips for the team

Everything not mentioned in the inclusive section


Upon joining the trip, you confirm that you have read the general conditions in full as they appear – on the company’s website:  To read the general conditions for all trips

By registering for the trip, you confirm that you have read and agreed to all the sections on this page.

Bank transfer/ credit card.

Transfer details: Fototeva Ltd. | Bank Hapoalim Branch 537 | Account 210210

Terms of Payment

Upon registration: 20 percent of the cost of the trip must be paid.

Until 1.1.2023: at least 30 percent of the cost of the trip must be paid.

By February 1, 2023, at least 50 percent of the cost of the trip must be paid.

Until March 1, 2023: 100 percent of the cost of the trip must be paid. The amount will be charged in shekels (or in foreign currency subject to approval) according to the rate of transfers and checks on the day preceding the day the payment is calculated. (American Express or tourist card with the addition of a credit fee)


Cancellation without cancellation fees with a full refund until January 12, 2022

Cancellation until 1.1.2023 – 30% cancellation fee

Cancellation until 1.2.23 – 50% cancellation fee

Cancellation after 2.3.23 will not result in a refund

We strongly recommend purchasing insurance at the time of booking that can cover you in the event of an unexpected cancellation.

Medical insurance and travel insurance: It is agreed and known that Fototeva does not insure or provide insurance coverage and will not be held responsible for any damage caused to travelers or their equipment. It is the responsibility of the booker and the travelers to purchase a comprehensive and extended insurance policy suitable for all travel activities, both normal and challenging, expected during the trip, including coverage for accidents and medical flight. Travelers are responsible for purchasing the required insurance coverage. Also, the entire insurance issue that is the subject of this agreement is regulated within the framework of the cruise operator and any claim on this issue will be directed directly to it.

Required medical preparations: As with any trip, certain medical preparations are required, such as vaccinations and medications. It is the sole responsibility of the travelers to receive the information and prepare for these preparations. Fototeva is prohibited from giving any personal medical recommendation). For vaccinations, check the website of the Ministry of Health at:

also, Situation Briefing for clinics going abroad (check if there are additional updates).

A trip during the Corona period is possible but complex. It should be known that the conditions and regulations change all the time. These may include isolation upon return to the country and or in the country of destination, presentation of certificates or various medical tests, refusal or delay in entry to the country of destination or return to Israel, changes and adjustments in the trip. Also, the travelers acknowledge the fact that there is a chance of contracting the corona virus and that they understand the risk and that Fototeva cannot be held responsible for this.
As with any trip, even more so when it comes to activities involving risk, there are mishaps and dangers along the way: extreme weather, poor infrastructure, dangerous animals, and mishaps that may occur at unexpected places and times. As can be expected on a journey to one of the coldest and most isolated places in the world (there is no doctor on the ship), while staying with the world’s largest land predator – this is a journey that can be dangerous, lead to injuries and even worse. It is important to be aware of these dangers. It is the responsibility of the travelers to make sure that they have received all the information they need before leaving for the trip.

  • The travel schedule was written by award-winning nature photographer and Spitzbergen expert Roi Glitz, based on his experience and definition of the framework of intentions following the previous cruises which were particularly successful.
  • The sailing schedule is completely flexible according to the environmental conditions and the information we receive in the field. What guides us is nature and the most powerful experiences we can achieve for you, our travelers.
  • The above does not guarantee the sighting of one or another animal, because we are in the wild and the animals and the weather are not part of our schedule. However, it should be noted that so far we have experienced 100% success with all animals with the hundreds of travelers we have guided in Spitzbergen.
  • It will be cold and snowstorms are commonplace, the journey includes various challenging activities such as sailing in the zodiac, walking on ice and snow, staying close to polar bears, sailing in extreme weather conditions, etc. By the very fact that a person registers for a photonature journey, he actually declares that he understands the the activities and dangers inherent in the journey and he declares that he is medically fit. If the participant has a medical problem that may interfere or prevent him from participating in the various trip activities, it is his responsibility to inform the company and the guide before leaving for the trip. In some cases, a medical certificate from the attending physician will be required to participate in the trip. Without this permission it will not be possible to go on the trip.
  • This is not a pleasure cruise. The conditions on the boat are extremely spartan. Breakdowns or weather that does not allow activity sometimes happen and the placement in the cells is on a first come, first served basis.
  • The departure of the trip is conditional on a minimum number of participants.
  • This is a wild area where more polar bears live than humans. The chance of seeing a polar bear is high but not guaranteed. Nature is wild and unpredictable therefore it is not possible to guarantee the behavior of animals, the viewing distance or viewing at all. The ship’s crew is the one who makes the final decision regarding the sailing route, the order and content of the activities, when the safety of the passengers comes first.
  • In exceptional cases, the identity of the guide may change before leaving for the trip.
  • The transaction is a conditional transaction until its final approval by the suppliers and as long as the service providers do not approve the request, the orderer’s account will not be debited.
  • Fototeva is entitled to cancel the trip at any stage while returning the proceeds.

מפת הספינה

בספינה מספר סוגי חדרים
לכל חדר יש את הפירוט שלו ותמונה

300-301- חדרי שלישייה משותפים (שירותים ומקלחת בחוץ)

302-310- חדרים זוגיים משותפים (שירותים ומקלחת בחוץ)

400-408- חדרים זוגיים פרטיים (שירותים ומקלחת בחדר)

504-507- חדרים זוגיים פרטיים (שירותים ומקלחת בחדר)

501- חדר הקפטן (שירותים ומקלחת בחדר)

502-503- סוויטות (שירותים ומקלחת בחדר)


סוגי חדרים פולר פיונייר - גרינלנד

חדר טריפל - 3 משתתפים

מיטת קומותיים ומיטת יחיד

שולחן כתיבה

ארון בגדים ומגירות

כיור בתא

חלון צוהר

שירותים ומקלחת משותפים


8715$ למשתתף

חדר טווין - 2 משתתפים

2 מיטות יחיד


שולחן כתיבה

ארון בגדים ומגירות

כיור בתא

מייבש שיער

חלון צוהר

שירותים ומקלחת משותפים

9655$ למשתתף

חדר זוגי פרימיום - 2 משתתפים

2 מיטות יחיד

שולחן כתיבה

ארון בגדים ומגירות


שירותים ומקלחת פרטיים

11865$ למשתתף 

חדר סוויטה -2 משתתפים

מיטה זוגית

איזור ישיבה מרווח בתא

שולחן כתיבה

ארון בגדים ומגירות

שירותים ומקלחת פרטיים

מייבש שיער


14209$ למשתתף

סוויטת הקפטן - 2 משתתפים

התא הכי גדול ומרווח

מיטה זוגית

סלון ישיבה

שולחן כתיבה

ארון בגדים ומגירות

שירותים ומקלחת פרטיים

מייבש שיער


16209$ למשתתף


תא יחיד פרימיום

מיטת קומותיים לשימוש יחיד

שולחן כתיבה 


מלתחה ומגירות

שירותים ומקלחת פרטיים

מייבש שיער


18995$ לחדר 

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סוגי חדרים פולר פיונייר

חדר טריפל - 3 משתתפים

מיטת קומותיים ומיטת יחיד

שולחן כתיבה

ארון בגדים ומגירות

כיור בתא

חלון צוהר

שירותים ומקלחת משותפים


6990$ למשתתף

חדר טווין - 2 משתתפים

2 מיטות יחיד


שולחן כתיבה

ארון בגדים ומגירות

כיור בתא

מייבש שיער

חלון צוהר

שירותים ומקלחת משותפים

 7880$ למשתתף

חדר זוגי פרימיום - 2 משתתפים

2 מיטות יחיד

שולחן כתיבה

ארון בגדים ומגירות


שירותים ומקלחת פרטיים

 9820$ למשתתף

חדר סוויטה -2 משתתפים

מיטה זוגית

איזור ישיבה מרווח בתא

שולחן כתיבה

ארון בגדים ומגירות

שירותים ומקלחת פרטיים

מייבש שיער


 10920$ למשתתף

סוויטת הקפטן - 2 משתתפים

התא הכי גדול ומרווח

מיטה זוגית

סלון ישיבה

שולחן כתיבה

ארון בגדים ומגירות

שירותים ומקלחת פרטיים

מייבש שיער


 12900$ למשתתף


תא יחיד פרימיום

מיטת קומותיים לשימוש יחיד

שולחן כתיבה 


מלתחה ומגירות

שירותים ומקלחת פרטיים

מייבש שיער


 16700$ לחדר